Remonta supplies fixture systems that are integrated with an electric height-adjustment function. These electric adjustment systems are supplied by the Danish company LINAK®. Operations Manager Holger Rödig has his reasons to engage in this collaboration: "LINAK is the market leader and provides a wide range of high-quality products. Their products just keep going. We've had no problems so far. In all these years, we've only had to replace something twice."
Remonta is seeing an increase in the demand for electric height adjustment. More and more tender specifications require this solution. "Of course, we continue to supply mechanical systems, but electric height adjustment is becoming increasingly popular," remarks Junior Managing Director Marc Nies, bearing out what his Operations Manager said.
No wonder - after all, a mechanical school board always needs a counterweight. Electrical systems are much easier to transport. Technicians tasked with setting up a classic school board on the second floor of a school building have a lot to carry.

An electrical system is much lighter and has fewer components. Technicians love it. Shipping is also simpler and cheaper due to the weight and small number of parts.
It is quick to set up thanks to Plug & Play. Electric board systems may move more slowly than mechanical ones, but smart operation also has its advantages: the boards can be controlled via an app using a Bluetooth connection, so the teacher no longer has to stand up to operate the board. A hand-held control unit is also available and works in the same way.
A long travel distance is an important feature in the LINAK products used. Small children need to be able to reach the board easily. The DL12XL with its long stroke length is ideal for this purpose. PIEZO collision protection ensures safety. If the board hits an obstacle, an electrical impulse is emitted, causing the system to stop the movement and move a bit in the opposite direction – away from the obstacle.

If the board system is too heavy, Remonta simply supplies a three-column system to ensure functionality over a long period of time. The single-column system with the DL2 electric lifting column is also extremely stable and elegant. The Siegen-based company offers it as a wall-mounted, freestanding, or mobile solution on castors.
One column can lift and lower up to 250 kg. This makes it possible to install even the heaviest displays with panel wings and other options. Its integrated controller ensures safety.
“In a school environment you must remove clutter - as anything can happen there … So, the fewer components there are to hide away the better,” jokes Holger Rödig.

It is not just the issue of safety and stability that plays a major role at Remonta; the design must be right, too. The company is one of the few manufacturers that adapt board wings to the size of the displays, thereby achieving straight frame lines and minimal gap dimensions.
On the one hand, this is because one hundred per cent of the board is produced in-house, and also because Remonta has countless universal connection elements. This means that all frame sizes and customer-specific requirements can be implemented. Apart from the board, Remonta purchases the other products externally. The reasons for this are understandable: after all, the display market is fast-moving. To this end, the owner-managed company has strong partners at its side.

All board systems must be inspected on site by TÜV. A design suitability type test is passed. For this purpose, the company has hired two employees who work exclusively with TÜV and carry out maintenance work on the systems. Excellent service!
'LINAK is the market leader and provides both a wide range and high quality. Their products just keep going'