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DPG: Intuitive desk panel for height adjustable office desks

The DPG1K is a LINAK desk panel for office desks. Intuitive to operate with tilt function and fits into modern desk design

DPG: Intuitive desk panel for height adjustable office desks

The Desk Panel DPG1K is an intuitive desk panel featuring the basics of a desk panel: Up and down drive of the office desk.

The DPG is activated by tilting the desk panel in the same direction as the desk is intended to drive – which makes it an intuitive desk panel. The shape of the DPG makes it possible to reach and adjust the desk without even looking at the Desk Panel. This way the user does not need to draw attention away from work while changing position. 

The DPG1K is small and simple, features modern design and fits all kinds of office desk designs. 

DPG1K data sheet

View the data sheet as an online magazine or download the PDF

Desk Panels DPG and Desk Control app user manual

This user manual will tell you how to install, use and maintain your LINAK DESKLINE® products.

DESKLINE product overview

If you make any kind of desk, table or counter that people work at, a height adjustable electric actuator solution is the flexible way to gain a competitive edge and improve your business.

How to clean your desk panel

Watch and learn how to easily clean your LINAK desk panel/switch in this short instruction video: How to clean it; which cleaning agents to use; and, last but not least, what you need to pay attention to.

Clean your desk panel with a soft damp cloth. Universal cleaning detergents may be used.

For disinfection of the desk panel, use a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol either as a wipe or add a small amount to a soft cloth.

The desk panel is not a sealed unit and there are electronics inside it. If liquids or moisture enter an opening, the PCB may be damaged, and the desk panel ruined.


  • Avoid moisture penetrating any openings as this may damage the PCB inside the desk panel
  • Avoid spraying the cleaning agent or disinfectant directly on the desk panel as moisture may penetrate openings and damage the PCB inside the desk panel
  • Cleaning agents and disinfectants must not be highly alkaline or acidic (pH value must be 6 to 8), and they must not contain bleach or chlorine
  • Do not use hand sanitizer gel as a cleaning agent

Alkaline and acidic cleaning agents may, over time, decompose the housing. Hand sanitizer gel may deposit on the desk panel buttons. Over time, the buttons may be stuck, or they may not work properly.

Desk Panel DPG1C - How to initialize and adjust the desk

To initialize the desk, drive downwards, press and hold the tilt until movement has been performed.

To adjust the desk, tilt the panel down for driving downwards and up for driving upwards.

The desk can only drive downwards

The desk must be initialized.

Follow the procedure shown in the video.

The desk does not drive at all

Check: Is the power line connected to the control box?
Try/Solution: Try to connect a lamp or similar to the power outlet to check that the supply voltage is OK. 

Check: Are all plugs mounted correctly on the control box and the leg?
Try/Solution: Check all connections. 

Check: Is there any visible damage to the cables, controls, control box or legs?
Try/Solution: Damaged parts must be exchanged. Contact the company that sold you the desk. 

Desk can not be raised full stroke. Always stops in same position

The system has set a new end-stop outwards.

To erase this position, the desk must be initialized again. Follow the procedure shown in the video.

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